CORAL NORD: The birth of a thirty-year-old company in the field of handcrafted jewelry.
The birth of CORAL NORD It dates back to 1990, When, together with other partners, we founded a branch of an existing coral wholesale company, pearls and stones to provide a service to jewelers in northern Italy.
Un paio di corsi di gemmologia di base, three sample suitcases, and go, on the roads of northern Italy to enthusiastically propose my 'wonders'.
I began to get to know the commercial reality of the regional areas of northern Italy, knowing the various needs of jewelers in the field of corallo and colored stones.
After about a year, following a new corporate reorganization, the branch in the North became independent from the 'parent company'. Thus I found myself able to independently manage the work and the choices to be made.
CORAL NORD, handcrafted jewelry online: the birth of a new reality.
CORAL NORD was born since then, (the coral brought to the north) and the idea of offering handcrafted jewelry to my customers.
Over time I realized that in this field there was the desire to see new things, different from the classic ball coral wire with the simple gold clasp.
Doing a bit of research, I found only a few companies that produced some particular closure to add to the threads, but few and very 'obvious' and already heavily exploited.
I had little money, a lot of enthusiasm and many ideas, and I decided to indulge my youthful passions. I began to attend the first courses in goldsmith techniques, and with the first basic tools, to make the first pieces to offer to my customers.
My jewels liked! My customers asked me for more and more assortment and I dedicated myself to producing more new and original pieces each time.
However, I felt the need to have feedback other than those of specialists in the sector, accustomed to evaluating a jewel more than from an aesthetic point of view, from the commercial one.
I wanted to know what people thought, those who did not buy a jewel to sell it, but to wear it. I then began to participate in some fairs aimed at the public, to know the reactions of the real users of my creations.
Here too the feedback was positive, and from every fair I come back full of enthusiasm and with a head full of new projects.
Since, my creations have become an increasingly decisive part of my collection to this day, with the birth of my handcrafted jewelry site online.