Coral amulet ”MANUFICA”-03- Coral and gold talisman- hand fisted with Mediterranean coral- Italian amulet
- Coral talisman
- Ancient coral and gold amulet
sto corallo è Amuleto corallo ”MANUFICA’ -03
Engraved Mediterranean red coral, yellow gold, sapphire drop. Pendant size: mm 9 x 28.
Each piece of coral is a new carving challenge for me. This time I wanted to carve an amulet used since the time of the Ancient Romans, a superstitious and apotropaic symbol par excellence: the Manufacture.
It is an amulet that, in popular belief, serve a proteggere dalle sventure e dalla malasorte. La “manufica” It owes its name to the typical shape of this amulet, made precisely like a small hand with a closed fist. This can be either left or right but with a single element in common, and that is to squeeze the thumb between the index and middle fingers so as to create that gesture of contempt that, always in popular belief, serves to ward off the influences of evil people and the evil eye in general.
I realized this pendant carving beautiful top quality Mediterranean red coral. Questo corallo è di colore rosso intenso, without any inclusions or holes, perfect in its smooth surface. I tried to represent the anatomy of the hand in detail by stopping it in the superstitious gesture of the 'Manufica', using simple tools and a lot of passion for sculpture.
I then completed this precious yellow gold pendant, with a hood and belt loop , ed un piccolo braccialetto a catena con appesa una piccola goccia di zaffiro sfaccettata. As usual everything is done by hand, con semplici attrezzature tradizionali, in my studio in Codogno, Italia.
In omaggio con l’amuleto, invierò un cordoncino in cotone cerato o cuoio, con finiture dorate, per poterlo subito indossare.
Like all my jewelry, I will ship this coral amulet complete with a certificate of authenticity and guarantee stamped and signed CORAL NORD, and suitable packaging to store it in.
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